These mountains are some of the oldest mountains in the world and have been called by many different names through time. Moon Mtn is friendly to wildlife such as mountain lion, moose, black bear, grey wolves, grouse, and more. We believe it is important for the privileges and gifts of this abundant environment to be shared with the community, as others have done before us.  

We acknowledge that we reside in the homelands of the Anishinaabe, the Dakota, and the Menominee.

We vow to remember their rich ancestral history and share the story of their genocidal removal from what is known today as the United States. As current stewards of this land we ask, while you visit, that you recognize Native history and current Indigenous peoples’ reality by being a respectful and mindful guest. Please join us in our commitment to care for their lands and acknowledging their deep cultural ties to it. Numerous elders have and continue to contribute to Moon Mtn’s growth and inspire its transformation.
