Our Practice

Here in the mountains, we offer full transparency and welcome inquiry into our cultivation and foraging practices. We offer herbal garden tours and specialty forest products. Additionally, we are a demonstration site for regenerative agricultural practices and serve as a “hands on” medicinal plant classroom for our rural community. We believe open source information is the way to lift all boats.

Annually, we test our soil quality to ensure we are producing high quality food while regenerating the living soil web. Soil tests provide evidence of increasing soil organic matter, complete critical macro and micro nutrient profiles, and trace mineral replenishment. We attempt to align with nature’s processes and encourage native nutrient cycles. Thriving soil biology is crucial to plant production of secondary metabolites, or essential oils, that possess healing medicinal qualities. We grow vitamin and mineral dense food in resilient and regenerating systems.

To manage these systems, we employ various management methods. One routine we enjoy is harvesting local nutrients and biomass to fortify a closed loop system. Each season we collect leaves, wild animal manures, wood mulch, wild soil microbes, plants for fermentation, and scythed grasses. We then supplement with local straw/hay, scythed pristine meadow mix, biodynamic cow manure, composted organic lamb manure, homemade anaerobic freshwater fish emulsion, biochar, dolomitic lime stone. We also source safely harvested micro, macro, and trace minerals through Advancing Eco Agriculture.

Moon Mtn soil health is also stabilized by minimizing soil condition destruction. Therefore, we heavily mulch and raise our soil levels, broadfork for aeration, feed earthworms, foster mycelial development, restrict machine impact, capture and disperse rain water, and cover crop. Feeding our gardens compost, green manure, and foliar applications also supports deep root development and boosts soil health.


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